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来源: 作者: 日期:2021-04-02 访问次数:142










1)主持重庆市科委自然科学基金课题d10离子金属磷硫晶体的结构设计和非线性光学性能研究” (cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0929)


(1) Fan Yu-Hang; Zeng Hui-Yi; Zhang Ming-Jian; Liu Bin-Wen; Jiang Xiao-Ming*; Guo Guo-Cong*; Huang Jin-Shun; Thiophosphates containing Ag+ and lone-Pair cations with interchiral double helix show both ionic conductivity and phase transition, Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56(2): 962-973.

(2) Fan Yu-Hang; Jiang Xiao-Ming*; Liu Bin-Wen; Li Shu-Fang; Guo Wei-Huan; Zeng Hui-Yi; Guo Guo-Cong*; Huang Jin-Shun; Phase transition and second harmonic generation in thiophosphates Ag2Cd(P2S6) and AgCd3(PS4)S2 containing two second-order Jahn–Teller distorted cations, Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56(1): 114-124.

(3) Guo Feng; Su Changhua; Fan Yuhang; Shi Wenbing; Zhang Xiuling; Xu Jiakun. Coordination-driven assembly of a 3d-4f heterometallic organic framework with 1D Cu4I4 and Eu-based chains: syntheses, structures and various properties, Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49(32): 11209-11216.

(4) Guo Feng; Su Changhua; Fan Yuhang; Shi Wenbing; An excellently stable Tb-III-organic framework with outstanding stability as a rapid, reversible, and multi-responsive luminescent sensor in water, Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48(34): 12910-12917.

(5) Li Yaqiong; Fan Yuhang; Fu Weijun; Recent advances in C-S bond construction to synthesize sulfone, Synthetic Communications, 2019, 49(23): 3227-3264.

(6) Li Yaqiong; Fan Yuhang; Jia Qianfa*; Recent advance in Ni-Catalyzed reductive cross-coupling to construct C(sp(2))-C(sp(2)) and C(sp(2))-C(sp(3)) bonds, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, 39(2): 350-362.

(7) Li Shu-Fang; Jiang Xiao-Ming*; Fan Yu-Hang; Liu Bin-Wen; Zeng Hui-Yi; Guo Guo-Cong*; New strategy for designing promising mid-Infrared nonlinear optical materials: Narrowing band gap for large nonlinear optical efficiency and reducing thermal effect for high laser induced damage threshold, Chemical Science, 2018, 9(26): 5700 –5708.

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